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delicious wines for explorers at heart

Italian varieties grown in VICTORIA and made with a sense of discovery by james Scarcebrook



The origin of Vino Intrepido goes back to growing up with an Italian step-grandfather and a mother who lived in Italy, both of whom gave me a love of its language, hospitality and cuisine. It’s therefore understandable that I would find an affinity to Italian wines and Italian grape varieties. After travelling across Italy and spending many years following the development of Italian varieties in Australia, I decided to throw my hat into the ring and make my own in the 2016 vintage.


Italy - though relatively small - is incredibly diverse in its micro-climates and it’s grape varieties. Over the centuries Italians have found a way to produce honest and drinkable wines that show a sense of place, and reflect their welcoming and uncomplicated way of life. The Vino Intrepido project was launched to attempt to capture the essence of what makes these wines so great, by using the unique soils and climate of Australia and a spirit of exploration and experimentation.
